Sunny Side Up Book Review

Children’s books can easily be dismissed as being simple and easy to read. It’s as if adult readers think that every one of them is about lollipops and rainbows (and throw in some aliens, dinosaurs, and horses for good measure). However, not every juvenile title is intended to be that way. Some deal with heavyContinue reading “Sunny Side Up Book Review”

The War That Saved My Life Book Review

Every year, whenever the winner of the Newbery Medal is announced, there will always be a handful of readers who say, “This title should have won.” Readers are entitled to their opinions, but since 2016, some have mentioned that The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley should’ve been rewarded with the NewberyContinue reading “The War That Saved My Life Book Review”

Blue Beetle Movie Review

Superhero shows are everywhere. They are inescapable. There are always shows based on Batman, Spiderman, Avengers, Justice League, etc.,. Then, last week, another one arrived in the form of the Blue Beetle – a superhero that I’ve never heard of until I started seeing the previews for this year’s flick Blue Beetle directed by AngelContinue reading “Blue Beetle Movie Review”

Dalva Book Review

Have you ever read a book in which it’s going good only until you get to a part that’s not? It doesn’t work for you for some reason, but everything else before and after are worth it. I’m sure that this has happened to me in the past, but not in the way I’ve experiencedContinue reading “Dalva Book Review”