The Poisonwood Bible Book Review

Content warning: this review contains a major spoiler alert. Since I started this website, many people have recommended various books that I should read. The one that got the most recommendations from those I’ve known was none other than the 1998 novel The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. Now that I’ve finally read it, IContinue reading “The Poisonwood Bible Book Review”

Adapt Me Podcast – The Poisonwood Bible

Hi Everybody! Grab your Bible errata and take a trip to the Congo because guest Amy Thomasson from the Women InSession podcast and I talk about how we would adapt The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver on the latest episode of the Adapt Me Podcast! Check it out at this link! My review of The Poisonwood Bible will come outContinue reading “Adapt Me Podcast – The Poisonwood Bible”